

Sightings of black helicopters in the vicinity. Exercise caution and remain vigilant while in the area.
The Opera v1.2 Server |
07/04/2024 |
Haven't wrote here for a while now, life commitments absorbed me and couldn't keep this place updated. I've managed to start a The Opera server (v1.2) and it's running dual_beretta and last man standing matches round the clock. Expect to see a CS1.6 and an action Half-Life server in the near future.
IP: to.3dt.net - Download: Link(3DT Portal)
- BurnLink
I forgot(eating cat food and watching gunsmith cats all day long causes my memory to betray me) I've added a new set of emojis at the forum I hope you like them, or appreciate them the least to say... The eviscerator WinAMP skin is out along with a 1600x800 wallpaper check the download section to get them, let me know how you find them. As for my inspiration for the background, I'd say it was hitman codename 47's loading screens(the "Gunrunner's paradise" mission loading screen to ne exact ) and of course the opera.
- Burn
Holidays are just around the corner and boy when people ask me "what will you do on New Years Eve?", I can proudly say that, on or about midnight, I will be:
1) Pretending to be drunk.
2) Mopping the floor off vomit.
...on second thought, maybe I should just keep my mouth shut about that. Happy holidays in advance.
- Burn
I've been playing some half-life mods lately, and I thought why not create some sprays. One of them features the engraved bullet from the movie "the Replacement Killers" the other has that rubber duck from "Hitman" game series.
- Burn
Siberian banditry |
09/06/2023 |
As long as you follow the license , then its fine.
M64 is closed source for now.
best regards,
Ville Turjanmaa
We might hear about M64 released to the public! That will be a game changer for x86 ASM amateur programmers because there's no 64-bit OS written fully in assembly that I'm aware of out there - that will mean much to us. Let's hope Kolibri doesn't ruin it for us lol
- Burn
08/30/2023 |
Hey all, welcome if you're new around. The website is up and as you all know I'm not a html-monkey so I had to rip-off an old
website whose one of the owners happens to have died back in 2018(RIP). What do I have to show for it? An embarrassing set of the lastest media with a sense of stalinist propaganda into it :').
The code browser is underway. Till then, hang on to these
Here it is, as promised!
- Burn